Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Lynn Woolsey Counseling Center for Battered Women

I watched the latest C-SPAN interview with Representative Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) about Iraq. She is a co-founder of the Out of Iraq Caucus in the House, but didn't manage to sound as crazy as one would guess. She admitted that it would take six months to withdraw, but Iraq is not the issue that concerns me.
It is the portion of the interview about Iran, which starts about 18:40 minutes into the interview. Congresswomen Woolsey doesn't consider Iran to be a particular threat--"not if we use some diplomacy". I was truly impressed by this statement. If I had the funds, I'd would start The Lynn Woolsey Counseling Center for Battered Women. It would teach battered women to return to their spouse--of either gender--and deal with their batterers through diplomacy. Discussion can solve all problems!

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