Sunday, March 25, 2007

faulty logic

Rational political dialog is a necessary step to solve our problems. It's too bad we have Sean Hannity instead. Of course, Hannity is just my example of the day. Just about any political commentator would do as well, but I just saw Hannity being egregiously irrational to people on both his left and his right. On his left, Hannity did a presentation of the top ten instances of liberal hate speech. For the most part, the liberal "hate speech" was wishful thinking on his part. He should ask himself if his interpretations are reasonable. Even worse was his conflation of race-mentioning speech with racism and hate speech. Hilary Clinton made some utterly harmless remark about asian Indians and Hannity used it as an example of hate speech. I suppose Hannity would also call hate speech something I said at age 18 years when I was trying to be seductive. I told a black boy that his skin was the most wonderful shade of chocolate. Send me to rehab, now!! And wait, I just committed another crime, I called a black boy of age 19, a "black boy"!! I'm worse than David Duke. I'm even worse than Ann Coulter!

And then there was Hannity arguing with someone to his right. Yes, there are people to Hannity's right. It was Reverend Thomas Euteneuer of Human Life International. Reverend Thomas Euteneuer thinks Hannity is a "heretic" for not fully supporting the Catholic Church's teaching on birth control. Now there was a chance for a rational conversation here. One could talk about the role of reason in the faith of the lay Catholic. Instead, Hannity went off on some attack on the Catholic Church for its sex scandals. Hannity would have accused any liberal of hating religion, if the liberal would have talked to a Catholic priest like he did. On the other hand Euteneuer, whom I hate in the same way I hate Osama bin Laden[*], tried to have a rational conversation. I wish Colmes would have tried to get Hannity to let Euteneuer talk more. Though I don't agree with Colmes often, he at least tries to be more rational than Hannity does.

[*]Both Euteneuer and Osama bin Laden spend every ounce of their energy attempting to recreate the Earth as a hell world. Euteneuer wants to lead us to environmental disaster and bin Laden to sharia.

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