Sunday, April 01, 2007

An Anti-Christain's Defence of Christianity

I've always rejected the idea that is one right answer to the universe. My assumption as always been the universe changes in response to whatever answers or solutions we concoct. As a result of this and my recognition that the Catholic Church and many Protestant Church's ideas about birth control and abortion amount to nothing more than a sure path to ecological devastation, I've long been anti-Christian. I got a kick of Serrano's Piss Christ, though admittedly it is a rather childish form of anti-Christianity.

But, now, I feel the need to defend Christianity. (Is today Easter? Or is it next week? I don't really pay attention to such things.) What so infuriated me was a post on Daily Kos. The author seems to believe that it is ok to offend Christians, because Christ didn't forbid it, but not to offend muslims, because macho Mo had no sense of humour. I proclaim the secular freedom to offend both. I will continue to attack Christianity where it is evil, but for now my attacks on Christianity will be with a recognition of the brotherhood of my pagan Ancient Greek philosophy with Christianity. I wish to hold out my hand in alliance with Christianity against the monstrous evil of Islam. Isn't really too much for our Western pussy leftist to admit the truth of the basic decency of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell and their followers? Would it really hurt our Western pussy leftists to examine their hatreds and react to real threats and not imagined ones? Look, I'm a gay atheist, and view the Mexico City policy as evil as anything Hitler or the Communist did (and no that is not hyperbole in my value system). Yet, Jerry Falwell would be perfectly happy to have lunch with me to show his basic decency towards those he disagrees with. He does not want me put in prison. The holy men of the muslim murder cult would want me stoned to death. This is a basic fact. I wish the Left Secularist, the Liberal Christian pussies, and the George W. faux-conservative Christians would deal with it.

The secular leftist, the Liberal Christian pussies, and George W. faux-conservative Christians are simply wrong to equate Christianity with Islam. Let's ask a question of each group in turn. How can secularist who hate Christianity give a free pass to the much more brutal religion of Islam? How can the ultimate religion of pussies--liberal Christianity--even pretend to themselves that pussy liberal Christianity says the same thing as a macho murder cult? How can any conservative Christian reject the clear message of the Bible that Christianity is the one true way?

Can we not admit our superiority to a cult that kills and whips young women for the perception of having had sex, that rips out girls genitalia, stones homosexuals, mutilates people for slight theft, kills people for their freedom of mind, produces a true apartheid states with non-muslims as second-class citizens, and so forth?

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