Monday, November 13, 2006
what black muslims learn in prison about islam
I wonder if Jihad Watch gives out an award for the best use of street people in counter-Jihad?
I'm an atheist myself, but I see a potential here for Christian missionaries to black muslim ex-prisoners. It's just that the missionaries would need to be like my basement thug. Such people are not in short supply. They just need to be directed.
Monday, November 06, 2006
tomorrow's election
The election tomorrow is said by so many people to a referendum on Iraq. The reason for the opposition to the war in Iraq is largely symbolic. There are about 1.5 million people(*) arrested each year for drunk driving, and several times that many more drunk and high drivers who evade arrest. This leads to more than 17,000 death per year. If one were worried about unnecessary death, I'd suggest drunk driving would be a good place to start your political action. Instead, people quote the number of deaths in Iraq like it were so terrible a calamity. They feel empowered by condemning those deaths as a senile old woman is empowered saying her rosary.
Let us pause and reflect on the problems of the world before saying killing is bad in the Iraq War or abortion or the death penalty or whatever. We face a murderous Islam and deep environmental problems. Let's tackle these issues first, before deciding tiny moral problems. Is it worth to fundamentalist Christians to ban gay marriage, if the cost is that Islam wins and Christians become second class citizens? Is it worth to leftist, if the victory of their anti-Iraq stance empowers countries unconcerned about greenhouse gases and the result is climate change which destroys our environment? These are not empty questions.
Let me go further and reclaim both killing and even cruel joy in killing. I had mice living under my stairs and I killed two of them yesterday using glue traps. Actually, I drowned them on the glue strips. I'm glad I took an active stance kill and reduced their suffering. Mice are nice creatures, and I don't really blame them as I kill them. But if the traps had had rats instead of mice, I wouldn't have mercifully killed them by drowning. I would have delighted instead in the suffering of the rats. Rats are evil, mean things and when they suffer when they die, they get what they deserve. I would enjoy a restrained cruelty towards them.
(*)I tried to make out sense of the FBI statistics, but couldn't so I just choose the highest figure I could find in the manner of the typical journalist. Obviously, a fair minded would do just the opposite and provide a number like 800,000.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
negative one, or why poverty isn't history
The One Campaign which "wants to make poverty history" combines socialism with liberal Christian do-goodism. I suppose it is a moral imperative for some people that every family on this planet have a black walnut dining room set and a big screen HDTV. The question I have for such people is how to create this utopia and what will it cost? If we truly want the most people to get wealthiest the quickest, the clear answer is free markets. Of course, the socialists and liberal Christian do-gooders would not be happy with anyone who points out that fact. Instead, they call for "fair trade", though not even "fair trade" plays much role in their plans to "make poverty history." Their ideologies require their giving to the poor and even those who don't agree with their harebrained ideas to give also. The disastrous consequences of their past givings has proved that "it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35)" in ways not quite intended by Saint Paul. Anyway, wealth is more a set of habits than material possessions. You could give a million dollars to most Americans living in what passes for poverty in the United States. After five or so years of living it up, they'll be living in poverty again. The same is true in most of the world. If we really want to help, we need a way to promote decent values in places of poverty. Now, of course, it is pretty impossible to teach decent values in many places of the world, because there are just so many orphans due to AIDS.
The One Campaign has an answer for that also, we should eliminate not just poverty but also AIDS, and not just AIDS but TB and Malaria also! They also want "fair trade", every child in school, and a genetically engineered tooth fairies to leave money under every child's pillow. This leads to the key weakness of the One Campaign. How much environmental damage is acceptable in the pursuit of their goals? Their answer is as always to ignore that we even face making a decision, which is consistent with their basic ideological belief that humans don't make decisions. Instead, human actions are forced upon them by evil corporations run by reptilian space alien advocates of free trade.
Anyway, let's think through the results of the elimination of disease. There would be huge growth in human population which in turn would have huge impacts on the environment. The environmental concern beloved by Socialist and liberal Christians is the greenhouse gases issue. There are of course other more urgent environmental issues out there, but they love the greenhouse gases issue because most of the blame can be placed on the multi-national corporations managed by the reptilian space aliens. Now, if the greenhouse gases will lead to the Global Warming they warn us about, then their efforts to increase the human population by disease elimination is only going to worsen Global Warming. Admittedly, the nuttier one claim that we just need to consume differently and everything will be ok, but I assume that the saner ones reject that bit of magic. I may be presumptuous in assuming saner ones, but to them I would address the question how much Global Warming is tolerable in the pursuit of the elimination of poverty? I only ask that you make an honest choice, and don't play the silly game that it is not the impoverished consuming the oil. Have you looked at the growth in fossil fuel usage in China recently? As countries become wealthier, huge increases in fossil fuel and/or nuclear fuel use will occur. You can't logically escape answering the question by blaming America's usage of fossil fuels, as habitual as that behavior may be for you.
There are some other little issues for the One Campaign. If we make muslims wealthier, what are they likely to do? More wealth means you can buy more guns and nuclear bombs. Why should we spend the effort to raise people up from poverty only so that they can commit terrorism against us? And it's not just muslims. I would suggest any culture made wealthy artificially is going to have dark habits that the new wealth will merely exacerbate. We do well here in the United States to keep our "pro-life" and animal rights loons under control, and we've had a long time to try to instill civilized behavior into people.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Black Cat Adoption and Halloween
From the AP arcticle "Black cat adoptions banned on Halloween" by Rebecca Boone posted on Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:19 PM ET:
"Black cats already suffer a stigma because of their color," said Gail Buchwald, vice president of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals shelter in New York City. "Why penalize them any more by limiting the times when they can be adopted?"
Black cats tend to be adopted less often than other felines, Buchwald said.
"Behaviorally, there's no difference from the color of the cat. It's tied into this whole mythology about the animal — don't let it cross your path or some foreboding or foreshadowing of evil — and that's an outdated superstition," she said.
Basically, Buchwald is arguing for the torture of black cats in the name of removing their social stigma. The basic problem with freedom of speech is that people like Buchwald never have to take responsibility for the evil they advocate. In a just world, people would have to take responsibility for what they advocate when there are clear consequences. In this case, I advocate putting Buchwald in a prison cell. On the walls of her cells, there would be all day projections of films of black cats being tortured to death in the most gruesome ways. To get out, she wouldn't just to have to admit that permitting the adoption of black cats before Halloween in our actual society where there are sadist is a bad idea. She would also have to admit that the leftism that lead her to advocate the adoption of black cats before Halloween is utterly wrong. She would have to promise to forsake "rights"--human or cat--and think of consequence. No human or animal "right" makes a damn bit of difference when its only result is only to empower the most sadistic torturers. I continue to advocate freedom of speech despite leftist political frivolity.
This framework applies equally to people who call Islam a religion of peace. Sadly, freedom of speech also means that they too can be as irresponsible as Buchwald.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Travel Writing or Denial
Saturday, October 21, 2006
What Muslims Say in the West
In conversations, we should also be careful about claiming people are lying. Before I would claim anyone is lying, I think it is important to claim that the liar has malicious intent in making a statement that he knows is contrary fact. This definition would, for example, exclude Bill Clinton during the sexual inquisition since even if he did perjure himself, he did not lie under this definition since he didn't have malicious intent. (Another important issue about lying is that the word "liar" should almost never be used, except as I used it before in this paragraph. Hollering "liar" at others impedes serious conversation and is uncouth.)
I bring all this up, because I have been watching Muslims on YouTube such as Ahmed Bedier and Imran Siddiqui. They make statements about civil liberties that they do not believe in the least. They know that they don't believe it, because what they say blatantly contradicts their religion. I should probably include the sources here, but if you read JihadWatch or LittleGreenFootballs, you should easily be able to find examples of Western muslims saying contradictory things in English and Arabic. Further more, the muslims say their counterfactual statements with the malicious knowledge that if they have the chance they they will make members of other religions second class citizens or worse. In short, even a fair minded person must admit that muslim spokesmen lie continually.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
A Protest by Hindu Apostates
I am slightly concerned by the shortsightedness of the BJP. It needs to enlist the small religious minorities in India as allies against Islam and stop looking so intolerant. When the muslims are at the door with knives and nukes is not the time for petty bickering between traditions that are capable of mutual respect.
Media bias works in strange ways. Reuters showed a bias towards Christianity in its reporting of this protest, which is understandable as it is the more familiar. The reporting mentioned Buddhism and Christianity equivalently in the article and the accompanying photograph was of a Christian baptism. But, the number of converts was 9000 for Buddhism and 500 for Christianity.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Next Steps
A newpaper would work wonders because so many people are catching on to Islam that just a little push will send them our way. Seeing a professional looking newspaper will provide many the reassurance that they need to feel comfortable saying we need to deal with the problem of Islam. A newspaper could also create some buzz in other media. Finally, if we could develop a cadre of people working on this newspaper, we would also an infrastructure for other projects and have spokesmen for the media.
The newspaper should discuss the whole gamut of Islamic evil: killing of apostates, burning of churches, execution of homosexuals, genitial mutilation of women, stories about wearing burqas, stories of being whipped for alcohol, stories of being punished for sex, honor killing, wife beating, and so forth. In order to counteract the unhappy tenor of the newspaper, there would have to a few happy human interest stories. For example, there could a story about escaping muslim slavery in Sudan in which the angle is on the happiness of getting away. As much as it pains me to say this, we should avoid talking much about Jews or Israel. We must avoid the appearance of being propaganda for Israel or being Christian fundamentalist propaganda or else the newspaper will be a waste of time in terms of advancing our views. It is essential to win hearts and minds in groups beyond Jews and fundamentalist Christians. It is also essential to present the main stream media with nothing that they can really attack. Thus, the newspaper should be careful not to attack Islam or Muslims directly. The newspaper should claim to advocate peaceful solutions--just as CAIR does.
The two obstacles are getting funding and getting people to hand out the newspapers. I'm almost certain that there is some wealthy person who be willing to fund the whole thing or that we could even round up the funds ourselves. The bigger problem I think is getting people devoted enough to spend three or four hours a week handing out these newspapers. How do we develop a network? I suspect that right-wing Christians groups have the best organization to start the network. Hopefully, they will be willing to outreach to other groups, like gay people and the few feminists actually concerned about the fate of women in Islamic countires. We must be able to present ourselves as a coalition.
We also need a website like I believe I've seen some sites going this way, but we need a really encyclopedic site--not a blog--about muslim evil including history.
Thursday, September 14, 2006
According to an AP news article, on Tuesday Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) told a meeting of the Arab American Institute, "We must avoid using misleading and offensive terms that link Islam with those who subvert this great religion or who distort its teachings to justify terrorist activities." Feingold continued, "Fascist ideology doesn't have anything to do with the way global terrorist networks think or operate, and it doesn't have anything to do with the overwhelming majority of Muslims around the world who practice the peaceful teachings of Islam." My interpretation of what motivates Feingold's speech is that Feingold believes that if we lump all Muslims together under some label of evil, they will fight back as a group, which means more support for terrorism.
Now, I think we are at war with the whole of Islam and that Feingold is in denial. Feingold does admit the terrorism is real and he is proposing a strategy to deal with it. Choosing between Feingold's strategy and my more aggressive strategy for dealing with Islamic terrorism seems to me to come down to some fairly simple empirical questions:
1.Is Islam a religion of peace?
2.Is terrorism a distortion of its teachings?
3.Can saying nice things about Islam make it play nice with the rest of us?
I believe that the answer to first two question is a resounding no, but I have no interest in rehashing what you can read on Jihadwatch. I also believe that the answer to the third question is no. Once again, you can read in many places is that an aggressor's response to appeasement is more demands, but I want to go two additional issues here.
One additional issue with Feingold's appeasement strategy is if we don't attack Islam for its viciousness, how can any moderate faction even get enough influence to become part of the conversation. Currently, there are no moderate factions with any influence. They are only likely to get even mild influence if we force them down the throat of an unwilling Islamic world. Admittedly, I don't think moderate Islam has any chance at all, but if non-muslims want it to have some influence, we will have to demand and fund its influence.
A second additional issue with Feingold's appeasement approch is that it would need to be part of a coordinated strategy to win the hearts and minds of the Islamic world. Such a strategy would also require efforts to improve the image of America in the world and promote capitalism and tolerance. Feingold would vehemently oppose any effort to do any of that. The man spends virtually every waking second doing what he can do to hurt America's image and promote socialist fantasies and political correctness—which is the opposite of tolerance. So, yes, while there is a chance that Feingold's strategy could work in tune with other strategies, there is no chance they work would given Feingold's other objectives.
A third additional issue is we have to consider the time that it takes social change to occur. Social change is rather slow. Iran will have nuclear weapons soon. I don't think any nice guy strategy to Islam stands a prayer under that tight deadline.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Good Logic
But enough about me.Some questions for you: Do you actually think our own president is a greater menace to world peace and stability than our opponents would be with nuclear weapons?Are we to accept the word of tyrants that they were well-intentioned and not engaged in weapons programs when all the evidence has convinced our leaders and intelligence agencies that they are? Has history given us any indication that sanctions without a credible threat will have an effect? Even among our own allies, we’ve found nations that tout humanitarian action and seek to avert war, while cynically pursuing corrupt financial arrangements with the same tyrants. Do you believe it is acceptable to have nations of demonstrated murderous intent in a position to control large portions of the world’s strategic resources? Tinpot dictators busy killing their own people can become brass-hat dictators and start killing other people. If we were to walk away from all of this, do you believe they would leave us alone?
It's question like these that have helped me win over half way to moonbathood people to a more realistic view of the war with Islam.
Monday, September 11, 2006
Thoughts on 9/11
In the Islam War blog industry, one is required to make some comments about September 11 five years ago. In honesty, I didn’t really realize the problem five years ago. The stock market was doing so well that I thought everyone would be rich. Paradoxically given my love of capitalism, I was hanging out with leftist kids who cheered the fall of the WTC. I loved these kids rejection of normalcy, but still the leftist kids shocked even me by saying they didn’t care if businessmen died at the WTC. When they went into the woods to burn flags that night, I warned them not to let anyone see them. In one of their few outbreaks of good sense, they said they would be discrete. When they started stealing flags in the patriotic aftermath, I urged them to sell them. It was the time of the flag shortage, but they didn’t want to violate their socialist purity. I even offered to sell them and give them a 50-50 cut, but they realized that I am Capitalism's demon, even when fencing stolen goods.
A couple of weeks after 9/11, I invited the leftist kids for dinner. My dishes rivaled the art in many museums of modern art: World Trade Center Flambé and Ground Zero Tabouli. In retrospect, it was probably a mistake to use chicken, instead of pork for the flambé. I used red tomato, red pepper, and red onion in the tabouli. My leftist retard friends still laugh at those dishes, and I suppose I do too, but I no longer seek to trivialize September 11. I have learned about Islam since then and it scares me what we are up against.
We confront a murder cult that has been trying to kill off our Western Judeo-Christian/Secular society for the last 1400 years. We cannot sit around pretending everything is alright or indulge in fantasies that Bush is the cause of all evil. On the other hand, I do wonder if any person in a position of power who says Islam is a Religion of Peace should be tried for treason and executed. Do I, too, have Bush Derangement Syndrome?
Thinking back on human history, it was ok for us to ignore the threat of Islam before September 11 in the United States. It really wasn’t affecting us enough, though we should we should been picking up hints since the events in Iran in 1979. After 9/11, there is no excuse for how we have ignored Islam. We have had ample time to honestly evaluate Islam’s goals and aims and react accordingly. Since Islam has declared war on us, we should begin to fight back. President Bush has wished to escape this logic with his hopes to secularize the Islamic countries, while ironically pushing theocracy here in America. While many bad things can be said about Bush’s approach, let us concentrate on the good. Bush’s intentions are honorable. I don’t think that last sentence can be repeated too often given the amount of outrageous lies flung against Bush. Bush is a decent guy who hopes to avoid the War the Muslims have declared, but Bush is naïve to believe that people brainwashed into a murder cult are going behave civilized because he gives them the opportunity to have a democracy. I suppose we had to try Bush’s nice guy approach first. Perhaps, we were even morally obligated to do so, before we go in and do what we need to do: slaughter them all. It's just that we need to explain much better how the War in Iraq represents an effort to be a loving, gentle people. I haven't even seen many conservatives many conservatives make this point, which is the best defence of what Bush has done. Ironically, I'm probably better positioned to see the necessity of making this defence of what is happening in Iraq than the conservatives, because I'm a political moderate who hates Bush. (There is no contradiction between hating a political figure and saying the political figure as a person is a decent man. We forget this all too often.)
In this anniversary of 9/11, we should honestly consider the probability that Muslims will act like anything besides murderous savages. Let’s consider at the behavior of fundamentalist Christians. For instance, would Pat Robertson ever admit that Creationism is nonsense? Though evolution is a proven fact by any reasonable criteria and Creationism is not essential to Christianity, we can be pretty certain that Christian fundamentalists aren’t going to renounce their Intelligent Design nonsense. How can we then possibly expect the Muslims to give up one of the key teachings of their religion, the obligation to kill or enslave everyone else in the name of Allah? It’s not like you prove them wrong by any objective criteria like Creationism/Intelligent Design can be shown wrong.
(I suppose I should come clean with a weak spot in my argument above. I believe that fundamentalist Christians will over the long run accept gay marriage, since there is so little discussion of homosexuality in the Bible and fundamentalist mothers of gay sons will demand gay marriage in their churches. On the other hand, jihad is a central tenet o the Koran and no powerful group internal to Islam with an organic interest to oppose it.)
If we harbor hatred towards any politicians, hatred towards Bush should be kept at rational level. If we feel a need for demonification, our demons should be the European political elite who gave away Europe to the Arabs. While I oppose torture for virtually every other human being, I would support torturing in barbaric ways Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, Jacques Chirac, the entire leadership of the all European socialist parties, and similar traitors in other parties for how they enabled Arab immigration into Europe. Of course, Bush’s response to immigration is not in the any better than d'Estaing’s. Luckily, we have a civilized country to our south. I may strongly oppose the flood of Mexican immigrants, but permitting them in isn’t the suicide of our civilization.
Unrelated thoughts about Ahmad Shah Massoud illustrating why this is not a hate blog
I read up recently on Ahmad Shah Massoud who Al-Qaeda deliberately killed before the 9/11 attack. He seemed rather reasonable for a muslim, despite the whining by human rights groups. I would like to see a human rights activist ninny be appointed head of a political faction in a muslim country (and many other countries). He would get to decide whether he wants to die maintaining his human rights purity or live. As I continue to argue, we have to judge people in context and not simply according to abstract rules. This does not deny the importance of the abstract rules when making moral judgments. It is just to judge in a way suitable for living on Earth, instead of the ethereal, geometric kingdom.
Massoud has such perfect teeth, like he had braces. Where in his Afghan childhood, could one get braces? Anyway, in some of his younger photos, he’s really quite sexy. Sadly, there are no shirtless photos of him on the web. For that matter, why not mujahidin porn? It may not be Islamic, but it sure would be Afghan culture. Oh well, here I’m calling for the genocide of all who believe like the attractive Massoud, but I fear it is necessity in the era of cheap WMD. And there will always be other attractive men.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
The Scurrilous Argument Challenge
An allegedly evil figure, X, supports political candidate, Y
Therefore, Y is evil.
I challenge anyone to come up with an argument of this form to discredit the moderate Senator Olympia Snowe(R-ME), because I donated a small sum to her campaign. To make it easier, you should know that Olympia Snowe is Greek and has been hostile to the Turkish government as I think we should be.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Let Me Be Your Paragon of the Evil
It's true that I have Coulter syndrome and articulate my statements as extreme as possible. I know that most "muslims" aren't dangerous crazies, simply because in all religions, most people follow the religion in only the most superficial manner. Muslims are only evil when they take the step of taking their religion seriously. We shouldn't let Peters know that the whole point of Coulter syndrome is to aggravate people like him.
So here I am, the paragon of the “rotten core of American [right-wing] extremism.” Let's be clear that Peters is right in claiming I am “bent on discrediting honorable conservatism.” After all, I’m a political moderate who roots for politicians like Senators Lincoln Chafee(R-RI) and Joe Lieberman(D-CT). It’s also true that I am bent on discrediting honorable liberalism. I advocate people thinking for themselves and not following simplistic political packages. Let me be clear that I'm not trying to get people to give up on big ideas in politics like liberalism and conservatism. There is much to admire in conservatism and liberalism as political philosophies. It’s just that the contemporary baskets of unrelated ideas known now as conservative and liberal are both nonsense. Further, it's not clear what the bulk of right-wing positions in the United States have to do with conservatism and what the bulk of the left-wing positions have to do with liberalism. Because of our refusal to think, we deserve the approaches the left and right give us.
I do have to object to Peters' entirely predictable claim that “when you read between the lines, that all Muslims are evil and subhuman.” I hope that I don’t come across that way. If someway I haven’t been clear, muslims are typical humans corrupted by an evil ideology—just like Nazis and Communists are. And people acting on the influence of evil ideals do evil things like terrorize their fellow citizens as Mohammed Reza Taheri-azar did on March 6, 2006 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, as Naveed Afzal Haq did on July 28, 2006 in Seattle, Washington, as Omeed Aziz Popal did on August 29, 2006 in San Fransisco, and so forth. Despite Peters's implication otherwise, it is only a matter of time until some muslims “have strapped on bombs and walked into Wal-Mart.” To repeat myself, individual muslims not strongly influenced by their religion can be nice people. The trouble is that people may turn to their religious faith at any time in their life. For instance, I saw reference in the press to two of the three above named terrorist not being devout at some point in their life, though I’m not willing to put full faith in such news without more research. Still, you should know that the nice muslim guy you knew two years may have become a bloodthirsty terrorist since then. I wonder about the Palestinian boy I dated five years ago. The atmosphere was always tense when Islam was brought up, and this is long before I realized how Islam threatens human survival. Back then, I believed we could fuck our way to peace with the Palestinians. My orgasm was my present to mother Israel.
I’m over my silly leftism of fucking=peace now, but Peters is not over my silly leftism: “Once free of the maladies of the Middle East, Muslims thrive in America. Like the rest of us.” In fact, the Islamic terrorists have come from Westernized, middle class back ground like my ex-boyfriend with his MD/PhD. I’d be more concerned about a random muslim from the middle class of the United Kingdom being a terrorist than a muslim from any other country or economic class. Other middle class Western Europeans would be next on my list. We do not corrupt muslims as fast as Peters thinks. Hell, I’m not even sure if Palestinian boyfriend was gay. He is more likely to have been a straight man dealing with Islamic segregation of sexes like a prisoner. I always played the woman’s role not just in our sex, but even in our flirting. He would be annoyed otherwise, and I would put up with it because he had an amazing body. If we can’t even get muslim straight men who have been here over seven years to fuck girls not guys, getting muslims to act like the “rest of us” will not be a quick process.
Robert Spencer has much more to say about about why Peters is wrong at JihadWatch.Org.
I had another thought related to making arguments that the ideas above can illustrate. The right-wing often prides itself on its embrace of an "objective morality" and condemns its opponents for not having an objective morality. I think that this is wrong on many levels. Most obviously, the far left, like the far right, often has a small number of rules that they apply to every situation, and so the left's morality is every bit as objective as the right. But there is a sense in which objective morality disarms us in arguments. We lose the ability to say better or worse. Some examples:
1. Civil libertarians who can't tell the difference between keeping enemy combatants in Gitmo and police arbitrarily imprisoning American citizens
2. So-called pro-lifers who claim to be unable to tell the difference between killing an adult and killing a fetus.
3. Leftist who can't tell the difference Israel defending itself against Islamic terrorism and Islamic terrorism.
At the risk of my being boring, let's make me make some obvious moral judgments to illustrate how I think we should think about things. If I am correct that my Palestinian ex-boyfriend was straight, he would hardly be the only heterosexual muslim man to practice sodomy. Islamic societies are societies where straight boys leave the natural use of the woman, burn in their lust one toward another; men with straight men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet (Romans 1:27). I'd like to make the moral claim that it is wrong to pervert desire from it natural course for any ideological reason, though to avoid an unnecessary argument with the left here let me grant that some experimentation may be exempt from this criticism.
Thus, we should condemn Christian Right Reparative Therapy leading gay men to unnatural sex for them, Muslim misogyny leading straight men to sodomy, and the postmodern nonsense of bisexuality which leads to both bad outcomes. In regard to the last, studies of the human brain activity in young men provide the empirical evidence that there is no bisexuality, but don't expect gay rights groups to drop demands for bisexual rights anytime soon. The least bad of these three causes of perverted sex is bisexuality, because it is freely chosen and people have a easy time getting over it. The overwhelming common pattern is a person has a few encounters in their early twenties and they get over claiming to be bisexual. I have observed this in every bisexual I've known for a long time. The second least bad is Christian Right Reparative Therapy, because like bisexuality it is freely chosen and people get over it at probably the same frequency as bisexuality. The trouble with Christian Reparative Therapy is that encourages people to feel bad about themselves for being guilty while bisexuality makes people feel good about themselves for being open-minded, different, and original--just as punk rock kids feel so different and original for cutting their hair like kids did in the late seventies. Muslim misogyny leading straight men to sodomy is by far the worse of these three causes of perversion. It is a system you can't escape--more like a prison than a fashion statement. There are many people who would attempt to morally equivalence the Christian Right Reparative Therapy with Islamic misogyny which leads to sodomy or even more likely with Islamic homophobic, but we should attack back. Christian Right Reparative Therapy is one's own choice, while leading a lifestyle with prison like segregation of the sexes is not. Nor is being stoned to death for sodomy optional under sharia.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
ambigious feelings about far right political activity
It's also great they are actually doing something that may discourage a few immigrants. A majority of Western people have views on immigration more similar to the white extremists than with the West's political elite. I wish there were some way to beat the political elite at the ballot box, but its hard to defeat an idea shared by George W Bush and John McCain as well as by Jacques Chirac and Ted Kennedy. There is no political avenue open on this issue. In the absence of political avenues, I worry about these right wing extremists getting too popular by finding ways to air a popular opinion that will be even more popular when the muslims succeed in their next mass murder. It is not in my interest as a gay Jew for these extremist groups to get too powerful. I was partly motivated to start this blog out of fear that if the far right is the only group to defend the West, then the support for the far right will become uncomfortably strong. More moderates should join me in defending the West. Look, I'm not asking here for them to agree with me that genocide of Muslims is necessary. I'm just asking my fellow political moderates to state that our culture and its people are worth preserving. I realize that even saying that will earn you the label of racists from the PC police, but can't you stand yourself a little?
I also worry that the main stream media will use the white extremist groups' activities to discredit doing anything about the tidal wave of immigration. There is a strong need for people who these white extremists group respect to tell them to do everything they do with propaganda impact in mind. They should supplement other political efforts rather detract from them. Now is a good time for reasonable people on the far right to converse with the white extremists. Of course, I realize that there is as much hope for sane political activity from extremists as there is for sane poltical discussion in the mainstream media.
At least, we know we are completely safe from the mainstream media using jihadi videos to discredit muslim groups.
math nerd post script: I wonder how much the political inability to combat massive immigration is due to a lack of understanding of exponential growth. Could we be doomed by our fear of math?
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Why We Should Listen
I bring up the Principle of Charity for three reasons. First, too often political arguments caused by people being determined to see the worst in others rather than the best. For instance, on Friday, August 25, 2006, Jeff Goldstein in his Protein Wisdom blog attacks Greg Mitchell’s editorial attacking right-wing bloggers for exposing fake war photographs by muslim reporters in Lebanon. Jeff and his readers attempt to turn an unimportant story about a nineteen year old Greg Mitchell slacking off on the job into some cosmic statement about how the MSM is biased. A careful and respectful reading of Mitchell’s 2003 account is that Mitchell is struggling with how to combat media bias even on unimportant issues. If Jeff had only used the Principle of Charity in reading Greg Mitchell, he could have used the time devoted to his post on Mitchell to something more convincing. Why is it bad if people make bad arguments? The more bad and pointless arguments people have to read through, the less time they will have to ponder the good arguments.
The second reason I bring up the Principle of Charity is that it is a formula for paranoia free political discussion. Let me suggest to the Political Left and the Political Right places where they exhibit paranoia. The Left pervasively views George W’s foreign policy through the lens that it must be evil. For instance, we are told the wars in the Middle East are wars for oil—which is as patently absurd as it is popular. If we just wanted oil from Iraq, it would have been much cheaper to just end the Oil for Food program. Of course, the Right was equally insane about President Clinton when he was president. I don’t how many people remember the lunacy about the President (or Hilary) actually murdering Vince Foster. I kept thinking then that if the Republican would just channel their anti-Clinton hate into explaining why minimum wage laws are bad ideas—just taught basic economic common sense—we could have gotten rid of those evil laws ten years ago. Instead, Clinton was impeached, which advanced no rational right-wing interest. If the Left and the Right were to apply the Priniple of Charity we wouldn't have to listen to these paranoid attacks on these two presidents. This would free up our time for more rational political discussion.
The third reason I bring up the Principle of Charity is because if you apply the Principle of Charity and what you are intrepretting still seems to be up to evil, then you are probably onto something. Let's remember here that active, open listening does not guarantee that agreement will be reached. The parties to disagreement may have interest that too far to reach agreement. Consider Hamas and Hezbollah versus Israel. Haman and Hezbollah want the utter destruction of Israel, while Israel, for some reason, opposes that.
In this regard, I do wish to assure the reader that I try to follow the Principle of Charity in everything I do including the study of Islam. As far as I am able to determine, my understanding of Islam is the same as 95% or more of muslim religious leaders. It is quite likely that my understanding of Islam is similar to the understanding of the leaders of your local mosque. I suggest looking at random muslim websites to get an understanding of what Islam is all about. There are a few websites by organizations created by Saudi oil money that pretend Islam is a warm and fuzzy little puppy, but these websites are pretty obviously intended not for muslim consumption but for non-muslim consumption. Look for website by muslims for muslims. I won't suggest any because you could say I'm giving a biased sample. If you look for Islamic websites yourself, you can't blame my biases for the viciousness you find. Let muslims make the case for their genocide by speaking in their own fascist, barbaric words, and doing their typical evil acts like stoning, slavery, and honor killing. It ultimately lies not with me, but with them, to make the case for why we must slaughter them. And, as always, keep in mind their words and actions exist in a world in which weapons of mass destruction are become more easily available.
I will suggest a few good websites that explain Islam for what it is:
Islamic Evil
Jihad Watch
Hot Air (not always about Islam)
LittleGreenFootBalls(not always about Islam & some of the contributers have rather unreflective understandings of the world)
Infidel Bloggers Alliance(my favorite, but some contributers have greater intellectual subtlety than others)
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The Morality of Slaughter
There are several reasons to suspect that this won't work. First, how do we subdue the Islamic countries to attempt this? Would it not be much easier and much less costly of terms of our own soldiers if we just committed slaughter rather attempt to subue the enemy? Second, occcupation after our conquest would be make Iraq now seem a peaceful place. Third, pre-Hitler Germany had many people of diverse views about the Nazi issue. The opposition to Hitler was a firm base of support for de-Nazification. There simply is not that base of support for de-Islamification in the Islamic countries that there was in the de-Nazification of Germany. Fourth, to successfully de-Islamify we would need at least thirty years of Inquisitorial courts to make sure the effort was successful. I can't see decent societies being able to sustain such an effort, and I believe it is less of insult to human dignity to simply kill people than to create courts that rule about belief and that would probably have to resort to torture. On the other hand, after a slaughter we can just get back to normal.
Permit me to stray here slightly from my topic, but it's important here to consider "getting back to normal". Normal in the future won't be normal now, because the ease of access to technologies of mass destruction is going to continue to increase. We are going to have to think more clearly about how humanity can survive technological progress. I suspect some genetic engineering of homo sapien will be required to prevent the success of people who will release diseases deadly to our current genes. But will that be enough? Will nanotechnology be death of us all? The answer is beyond my knowledge.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Like a Monotone Policy Wonk In Love
I can sound at least as out there and as annoying as Ann Coulter or Eve Ensler, the author of the Vagina Monologues. Thanks to the anonymity of the internet I can claim to be a gay Jew and talk about my hopes to parlay my attempted political extremism into hot sex with muscular skin head boys. It's like that Dead Kennedy's song, Nazi Punks Fuck Me. My more boring friends have sneered at my plan for Nazi dick. They say that claiming to be a gay Jew boy isn't the way to get fucked by Nazi punks. I beg to differ. My trouble isn't the Nazi punks, it's finding the Nazi punks. They're quite elusive if you hunt them. If one listens to the left, one would think Nazi racists are everywhere: the house next door, the trucker bring the microbrew beer to your local bar, the boardroom of Walmart, but no! When you want hot fascist sex, it's harder than hunting leopards in Central Park. When I encounter racism in America, it leftist anti-Semitism
I'm reading the right-wing blogs because the right-wing has good ideas about Islam and terrorism. The left is clearly wrong on these issues, because the left concocts a fantasy Islam that has nothing to do with any Islam that anyone actually believes, ignores what muslims have to say, and ignores what the right has to say. But the right-wing listens to muslims! It's always good idea to listen to people. If you listen, then you can attack fair and square.
I suppose my next post should be to attack the right-wing, as I am listening very carefully to them. There are some serious right-wing intellectual tics that annoy anyone as hopelessly moderate and dull as myself. I feel a little guilty attacking the right as I hate the left more than the right, but it is moderate way to attack those with whom you believe there is a possibility of serious dialog. The left really lacks anything like a sane idea on the threat of Islam.
Excuse me, I'm off to eat a small serving of vanilla ice cream.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Challenging the Patriotism of Muslims
There are, of course, many ways that article attempts to make us identify with the muslims starting with the good photography. Sadly, I can't address all of them, but wish to address the intellectually most difficult one for many people. The article appeals to the rule we've been taught that a person's religion doesn't matter--which certainly is a valuable way to help people get along in the workplace and in social situations. We may even feel noble about protecting this rule as one of our civilization's greatest treasures, our learned habits of religious tolerance. We are thus left defenseless when we should be combating an evil imperialist religion like Islam. We must reflect deeply on our Western practices of religious tolerance and see how they apply in the case of Islam.
Let's revisit how we came to value religious tolerance. After a long period of religious warfare, Europe was exhausted. In England, John Locke wrote the foundational essay on religious diversity and tolerance, A Letter Concerning Toleration. Locke explained how permitting religious diversity can prevent civil unrest. A part of his essay that has received less attention is the part where he argues that Catholicism should not be tolerated because Catholics are "soldiers against his own Government." Locke's argument was right at his time, but Catholicism has changed since then. Islam is like Catholicism back then. As the Islamic community has made clear over and over again, for Muslims in Western countries, the Muslim loyalties lie with the Ummah (Islamic community), and not with Western Civilization.
At this point, there will some readers who will if Catholicism can change, why can't Islam change? They hope for an easy way of our current war. Sadly, there is no way Islam can change quickly enough. One muslim country already had nuclear weapons and other crazier muslim countries are seeking nuclear weapons. Catholicism's changes took a long time and we don't have a long time. There is also the detail that muslims kill people who try to reform their religion with much more ferocity than Christianity has usually shown. These murders greatly slow any process whereby Islam could grow to be more peaceful--if there is any such process.
Let me return to the muslim Marines in the New York Times article. The reporter doesn't distinguish between someone who happens to born in muslim family and someone who is a devout muslim. The Koran is absolutely clear about the need to fight the infidels, and that would be us! As long as a muslim hasn't thought seriously about Islam, I'm sure he could make a fine soldier. But the moment he starts thinking about his faith and consulting his faith community, he becomes a potential traitor who is unsafe to have in the military. Just ask the parents of Scott Seifert, who lost their son to grenades thrown by muslim in the Army in Kuwait in 2003. We must challenge the patriotism of Muslims or there will be many more deaths.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Respecting Diversity for Our Victory
There is an issue deeper than gays being useful manpower for the Army. Gays, like Jews, Christians, atheists, women, Buddhists, Hindus, muslim apostates and so forth, are singled out for special hatred by the muslims. Gays have a human right to defend themselves and slaughter muslims like everyone else. Think of it in this way, the idea behind the Second Amendment is that we have a basic right to self-defense. The way we defend ourselves against a force hostile to our country is the military. This implies a Second Amendment right--and I consider a Second Amendment right to be basic human right--to join the military. Obviously, that right must be balanced against the cost of training a soldier to be effective. The military must be able to reject an eighty year old women with arthritis who wants to enlist, though an alternative would be to weed them out on the first day of boot camp. On the other hand, we know young gay men and women are effective workers in virtually every job in our society. We also know that many gay men and women have in fact made excellent soldiers in our military. The military leadership should overturn the ban on gays in the military because of these facts and to respect the Second Amendment. Unfortunately, the courts cannot do this, as it could be disastrous for the courts to second guess the military.
I admit I have strong feelings about this issue One of my neighbors is a young, black, Buddhist drag queen. I tell him about how the muslims kill gay people and kill Buddhists in Thailand. My stories fill him with the anger as they should. This strange fruit has had to defend himself against bullies in schools and understands Islam for what it is—a doctrine for bullies. He told me he would gladly join the military. I'm sure he's saying this partly because he knows the military won't accept him and partly to get back at his hippie parents—that most authentic behavior of the young. Still, I believe there to be a genuine core to his desire. Surely, we can find it in our hearts to tolerate him enough to permit him the glory of battle.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Let Me Commit an Act of Branding

I thought I'd put up an image for my responses to other post. One can't escape the pressures of branding. I thought I'd use a pretty flower, the winecup. It's a plant in the mallow family native to North America.
To point out the obvious, I'm not using a photo of myself. I have the suspicion that it would not be in the best interest of my health. After all, I'm advocating the slaughter of a humourless gang known for their delight in murder.
Friday, August 04, 2006
No New Dark Age Is Necessary
The good thing about my genocide solution it that it will work after much bloodshed and maybe Pakistan launching a few nukes. Better a few nukes now than the many more nukes that the muslims will launch later. One may be absolutely certain that Muslims will use nukes within the next thirty years because they decide someone has insulted their prophet or some equally ridiculous reason connected to honor. It's the way of thugs and muslims.
I remain optimistic in face of the current circumstances. We can get through this ok. I just read a blog A New Dark Age Is Dawning, about Islam in the West. The blog takes such a dour view that I feel the need to dissent. I want to help that dour blogger to turn his frown upside down. We have the option of simply slaughtering the muslims and getting on with life. People may whine that such a a slaughter will some way make our society more barbaric and unfit to live. That is false. Throughout history, societies have been guilty of all sorts of horrible crimes and still been in many ways fine. Consider the United States and the "benevolent assimilation" of the Philippines. The United States killed many Filipinos in 1900, though how many is the subject of debate, but higher estimates in the Wikipedia are more than 10% of Filipinos either directly or indirectly. Still America in 1900 was a fairly decent country for many people, and has became an even an better country.
So even if the slaughter of the muslims were a bad thing, we could kill all the muslims now and everything quickly return to normal. Decent human societies are resilient, but the overwhelming point here is that we should not feel the slightest guilt about killing off a gang of insane religious fanatics that kill their own sisters for having sex without parental approval and their own brothers for being gay or renouncing their religion. Let's just slaughter them all and be done with it.
There is also a potential environmental issue that the cheap gasoline resulting from the slaughter of the muslim could increase greenhouse gas, but the many environmental pluses of killing one billion muslims will no doubt make up for it.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Why We Need to Slaughter the Muslims
My inspiration for starting this blog was to consider how to deal with a militant Islam in the age of nuclear weapons. We may have to consider the slaughter of the muslims, as they represent too much danger with their perpetual intense anger and their apocalyptic bent. I prefer the ancient word "slaughter" to newer word "genocide", because "slaughter" was the word used by groups who had the courage to do what needed to get done. I’m aware that many people will think I’m not a nice guy for advocating such a course. Perhaps, I'll even be compared to Hitler. Sadly, I'm too much of a nerd to have Hitler's level of charisma, but I can be obsessive about facial hair grooming and do tend to eat a diet on the unhealthy side of vegetarianism. (Eating excessive cheese clogs the arteries.) In truth, I’m a nice, liberal guy with a desire to help oppressed people. I suppose that this blog will be labeled a "hate blog" by PC thought police, muslim apologists and assorted do-gooders. Strangely enough for a "hate blog" I will attempt to to appeal to a diverse audience: fundamentalist Christians and atheists, gay rights activists and pro-family activists, members of the National Rifle Association members and Buddhists. My appeal is based on the common self-interest of these groups and all other non-muslims to confront an imperialist Islam. Muslims are oppressors, not the oppressed, because Islam teaches that muslims should kill, enslave, or make second-class citizens out of everyone else. Muslims have a long history of doing exactly that. Nor do Islamic societies treat their own people well. It is hard to foresee any positive outcome of nuclear weapons in the hands of Islamic imperialists. It is better that we kill them off first, because our societies are so much more humane place to live. For documentation on the evil of Islam, I suggest these websites:
Religion of Peace. There are many other sites, as many people are catching on to Islam. Islam isn't subtle.
The evil of Islam begins with its creation of a culture where the smallest slight is a pretext for murder. Consider the death threats against the Danish cartoonists who drew the Mohammed cartoons. It is the muslim stewing over the slightest insult that makes them so dangerous to everyone else and even to themselves. Any decent religion and society attempts to discourage petty anger in people. I opposed the proposed anti-flag burning amendment to the US Constitution because it struck me as effort to encourage overreaction to petty provocation in American citizens. We certainly don't want to become like Muslims. We should be mellow. I advocate the slaughter of Muslims in as mellow a way as possible. Chill, dude. Chill, my gentle reader.
Petty anger is not the only psychological issue that makes Muslims dangerous in the era of easily available nuclear weapons. Islam encourages a deadly controlling attitude. Famously, muslims want to kill Salmon Rushdie who lives in the Anglican United Kingdom, but there is a long history of similar incidents that you can find in the blogs suggested above. And it is just non-muslims that are the victims of controlling behavior. Women and gay people are treated brutally. Daughters in muslim families often are victims of heinous forms of genital mutilation. If they still have normal human sexual desire after mutilation, they must fear that their family will kill them for the slightest sign of their sexual desire. One example is a thirteen year old girl who was killed for simply riding a bicycle with a twelve year old boy. And let’s not ignore the sickness of the controlling instinct that forces Islamic women to dress in clothing that so covers them that women in sunny areas have vitamin D deficiency. Women who don't want go along with this dress code that makes them anonymous in normal human interactions are harassed and beaten both by legal authorities and by male thugs acting independently of the law. Nor should we ignore that gay people are stoned to death. The stoning is meant to cause as much suffering as possible. Which isn’t simply sick in itself, but also teaches cruelty to the populace that commits the stoning. Nor should we ignore that Muslims who decide that they want to follow another religion, like Christianity, are killed. See Faith Freedom International or Apostates of Islam for more information.
If Islam only created horribly cruel societies and taught values that lead to anger and bitterness, it would be sufficient reason to refuse Islam the respect we accord other religions and secular values systems, but Islam also has a core tenant of Jihad or the violent conquest of non-Muslims. Islamic Imperialism : A History by Efraim Karsh is a good book on the subject. In the past, Western military might was able to keep Islam in check, but in the era of easily available atomic weapons that is no longer enough to guarantee peace.
Given that the muslims are evil imperialists and will use nuclear weapons at the drop of a hat, our moral fantasies of peace through international cooperation and laws against the slaughter of civilian populations fail us badly. We can no longer afford to be overly indulgent of a murder cult with a large following. We should admit that Islam is in the process of starting a world war and it followers will launch nukes. In making this claim, I rely on both the history of Islam and the statements of Iranian religious leaders. Muslims represent a clear danger to human survival, even if we are willing to overlook the daily acts of terror they commit. From our experience with communism, we know how hard it is to rid a people of their religion. The Soviet Union was a total failure in eliminating Christianity and Islam. If Islam is going to continue be a murder cult, we have no choice but to slaughter the muslims. (Perhaps the small Ahmaddiya Muslim sect should be spared as that sect uniquely doesn't preach conquest and slaughter of infidels as the core value of Islam, though they still treat women horribly.) Yes, Slaughter is a bummer, but nuclear Armageddon and living as second class dhimmis or even slaves in a muslim sharia society are both worst fates than us having to kill the muslims. We’ll get over the slaughter pretty quickly and have societies that are at least as loving and as pleasant as we have now. Normal people don’t sit around feeling guilt about what is necessary for too long.
Ideas Have Consequence
Western civilization has a problem that could lead to not just its own death but also to the death of Asian cultures influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and other ideas and to the death of other indigenous cultures around the world. I label that problem "liberalism". The word “liberal” has been used in so many ways that I must be precise about what is this “liberalism” I denounce. By “liberalism”, I mean the value that no idea is to be taken seriously--which is fairly common among people who call themselves liberal and sadly among many people who call themselves conservative. One indication of this is that while there are histories of conservative thought, there is no liberal equivalent. Ask a liberal to name a prominent liberal intellectual from 1940 and you'll get blank stares. Even the brightest and most informed will be able to say Eleanor Roosevelt and leave it at that. (And does Eleanor truly count as an intellectual?)
As an example of this definition of liberalism, I offer the “liberal Christian", because he illustrates the idea well. (Before continuing, I must point out that I have no interest in taking a pro or con side on Christianity here as my goal is to defend the Western values that make freedom of belief and Christianity possible. I wish to argue in a way to appeal to both atheists and fundamentalist Christians and I don't want even to offend the few actual Christians who label themselves "liberal"). The most minimal definition of Christian that can be taken seriously is a Christian holds that Christianity is the truth and the best belief system. A "liberal Christian" avoids such a claim, because a "Liberal Christian" believes that you can't hold any religion better than any other religion or belief system. I have searched the Bible extensively for the quote where Jesus suggests that it doesn't matter what believe and have someway failed to find it.
To be a Christian, a Christian should be willing to say that Christianity is a force for good, and that it is possible for a non-Christian religion—which is, by definition, a false religion--to be a force for evil. "Liberal Christians" explicitly deny that an religion or belief system can be force for evil. (Of course, there is a slight contradiction in “liberal Christian” beliefs as Nazism in Germany and Republicanism in America are recognized as evil, but the "liberal Christian" seeks to avoid thinking and so such contradictions are inevitable.) Now, I am not saying that a Christian is required to hold that all other religions and non-religious beliefs systems to be evil. Most Christians do hold some other religions and non-religious belief systems are almost as excellent as Christianity. Christians are on the whole a tolerant people. (I know many Christians who think of themselves as fundamentalist believe everyone not saved is going to hell, but they are probably a minority among even fundamentalists.) On the other hand, “Liberal Christians” aren't so much tolerant as thoughtless. They deliberately misinterpret, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” into the greatest commandment that no one is allowed an opinion beyond the opinion that Republicans are evil. Because Liberal Christianity is an anti-intellectual view, it forbids us from talking about how to best improve the world or what threats we face, beyond a few environmental ones which they admittedly address more honestly than the right. I attribute their ability to deal more honestly with environmental threats to the large number of College professors who are both "liberals" and deeply knowable about science. (The world is a complex place and it is hard to completely demonize any group.)
Of course, there are also "liberal Buddhists", "liberal Muslims", "liberal Hindus", "liberal atheists", and so forth. Where all the forms of “liberalism” go wrong is their frivolousness towards leads them to ignore that ideas have consequences and some beliefs have evil consequences. For instance, Marxism, the champion evil belief system of the twentieth century, had many evil consequences and none good that I am aware of, though “liberals” overlook Marxism's evil because of some insane notion of power in relationships that is irrelevant to the current conversation. As I previously alluded to, “liberals” are willing to admit that Nazism in Germany and Republicanism Party in America are evil, but those are exception sfrom minds that don't care about contradiction. We should also defer to some other occasion discussion of the ridiculousness of the “liberals” considering the Republican Party to be one of the two avatars of evil in the twentieth century. The problem we face in the twenty-first century is that one major religion is pervasively evil and it could damage the human spirit for centuries in ways that Marxism didn't even come close.
The major religion I hold to be that evil is Islam. I will provide reasons.