Monday, November 13, 2006

what black muslims learn in prison about islam

I sometimes let a recovering heroin addict street person sleep in my basement. He's somewhat scary looking with his prison muscles. I gave him my Jihad Watch t-shirt that says "Save Civilization Defeat Jihad", because I decided I was afraid to wear in public, since I'm not a scary looking thug. While wearing the Jihad Watch t-shirt, he ran into a group of black muslim ex-prisoners with their ho's. They accused him of being racist for being opposed to Jihad. He told them he was only opposed to muslims oppressing other people like women. The ho's actually responded very positively to his statements--which completely shocks me, but it does give me much hope that women may yet save us from Islam. My thug then went on to talk about the ninth chapter of the Koran and quote the verses that I told him. The black muslims admitted that they didn't know much about the Koran. They even admitted that they got his point. If only all of Islam could be defeated this easily!

I wonder if Jihad Watch gives out an award for the best use of street people in counter-Jihad?

I'm an atheist myself, but I see a potential here for Christian missionaries to black muslim ex-prisoners. It's just that the missionaries would need to be like my basement thug. Such people are not in short supply. They just need to be directed.


Pastorius said...

Hey bro, where have you disappeared to?

Demosthenes said...

I'm sorry. I've been very busy with some projects and then I'm going on vacation. I'll be the Wendesday after Thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

The biggest problem with Islam is that most of the converts don't know that much about it. This is a shining example. I would hope that these so-called converts would convert back to christianity or even some other religion other than Islam.

The Dark Mercenary said...

Steve, "converting to any other religion other than Islam", isn't that being ignorant too? By converting to another religion or converting back JUST for the sake of not being a Muslim?