Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why We Need to Slaughter the Muslims

My inspiration for starting this blog was to consider how to deal with a militant Islam in the age of nuclear weapons. We may have to consider the slaughter of the muslims, as they represent too much danger with their perpetual intense anger and their apocalyptic bent. I prefer the ancient word "slaughter" to newer word "genocide", because "slaughter" was the word used by groups who had the courage to do what needed to get done. I’m aware that many people will think I’m not a nice guy for advocating such a course. Perhaps, I'll even be compared to Hitler. Sadly, I'm too much of a nerd to have Hitler's level of charisma, but I can be obsessive about facial hair grooming and do tend to eat a diet on the unhealthy side of vegetarianism. (Eating excessive cheese clogs the arteries.) In truth, I’m a nice, liberal guy with a desire to help oppressed people. I suppose that this blog will be labeled a "hate blog" by PC thought police, muslim apologists and assorted do-gooders. Strangely enough for a "hate blog" I will attempt to to appeal to a diverse audience: fundamentalist Christians and atheists, gay rights activists and pro-family activists, members of the National Rifle Association members and Buddhists. My appeal is based on the common self-interest of these groups and all other non-muslims to confront an imperialist Islam. Muslims are oppressors, not the oppressed, because Islam teaches that muslims should kill, enslave, or make second-class citizens out of everyone else. Muslims have a long history of doing exactly that. Nor do Islamic societies treat their own people well. It is hard to foresee any positive outcome of nuclear weapons in the hands of Islamic imperialists. It is better that we kill them off first, because our societies are so much more humane place to live. For documentation on the evil of Islam, I suggest these websites:

Jihad Watch,

Little Green Footballs,

Gates of Vienna,

Islamic Evil,

Religion of Peace. There are many other sites, as many people are catching on to Islam. Islam isn't subtle.

The evil of Islam begins with its creation of a culture where the smallest slight is a pretext for murder. Consider the death threats against the Danish cartoonists who drew the Mohammed cartoons. It is the muslim stewing over the slightest insult that makes them so dangerous to everyone else and even to themselves. Any decent religion and society attempts to discourage petty anger in people. I opposed the proposed anti-flag burning amendment to the US Constitution because it struck me as effort to encourage overreaction to petty provocation in American citizens. We certainly don't want to become like Muslims. We should be mellow. I advocate the slaughter of Muslims in as mellow a way as possible. Chill, dude. Chill, my gentle reader.

Petty anger is not the only psychological issue that makes Muslims dangerous in the era of easily available nuclear weapons. Islam encourages a deadly controlling attitude. Famously, muslims want to kill Salmon Rushdie who lives in the Anglican United Kingdom, but there is a long history of similar incidents that you can find in the blogs suggested above. And it is just non-muslims that are the victims of controlling behavior. Women and gay people are treated brutally. Daughters in muslim families often are victims of heinous forms of genital mutilation. If they still have normal human sexual desire after mutilation, they must fear that their family will kill them for the slightest sign of their sexual desire. One example is a thirteen year old girl who was killed for simply riding a bicycle with a twelve year old boy. And let’s not ignore the sickness of the controlling instinct that forces Islamic women to dress in clothing that so covers them that women in sunny areas have vitamin D deficiency. Women who don't want go along with this dress code that makes them anonymous in normal human interactions are harassed and beaten both by legal authorities and by male thugs acting independently of the law. Nor should we ignore that gay people are stoned to death. The stoning is meant to cause as much suffering as possible. Which isn’t simply sick in itself, but also teaches cruelty to the populace that commits the stoning. Nor should we ignore that Muslims who decide that they want to follow another religion, like Christianity, are killed. See Faith Freedom International or Apostates of Islam for more information.

If Islam only created horribly cruel societies and taught values that lead to anger and bitterness, it would be sufficient reason to refuse Islam the respect we accord other religions and secular values systems, but Islam also has a core tenant of Jihad or the violent conquest of non-Muslims. Islamic Imperialism : A History by Efraim Karsh is a good book on the subject. In the past, Western military might was able to keep Islam in check, but in the era of easily available atomic weapons that is no longer enough to guarantee peace.

Given that the muslims are evil imperialists and will use nuclear weapons at the drop of a hat, our moral fantasies of peace through international cooperation and laws against the slaughter of civilian populations fail us badly. We can no longer afford to be overly indulgent of a murder cult with a large following. We should admit that Islam is in the process of starting a world war and it followers will launch nukes. In making this claim, I rely on both the history of Islam and the statements of Iranian religious leaders. Muslims represent a clear danger to human survival, even if we are willing to overlook the daily acts of terror they commit. From our experience with communism, we know how hard it is to rid a people of their religion. The Soviet Union was a total failure in eliminating Christianity and Islam. If Islam is going to continue be a murder cult, we have no choice but to slaughter the muslims. (Perhaps the small Ahmaddiya Muslim sect should be spared as that sect uniquely doesn't preach conquest and slaughter of infidels as the core value of Islam, though they still treat women horribly.) Yes, Slaughter is a bummer, but nuclear Armageddon and living as second class dhimmis or even slaves in a muslim sharia society are both worst fates than us having to kill the muslims. We’ll get over the slaughter pretty quickly and have societies that are at least as loving and as pleasant as we have now. Normal people don’t sit around feeling guilt about what is necessary for too long.

Ideas Have Consequence

Western civilization has a problem that could lead to not just its own death but also to the death of Asian cultures influenced by Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and other ideas and to the death of other indigenous cultures around the world. I label that problem "liberalism". The word “liberal” has been used in so many ways that I must be precise about what is this “liberalism” I denounce. By “liberalism”, I mean the value that no idea is to be taken seriously--which is fairly common among people who call themselves liberal and sadly among many people who call themselves conservative. One indication of this is that while there are histories of conservative thought, there is no liberal equivalent. Ask a liberal to name a prominent liberal intellectual from 1940 and you'll get blank stares. Even the brightest and most informed will be able to say Eleanor Roosevelt and leave it at that. (And does Eleanor truly count as an intellectual?)

As an example of this definition of liberalism, I offer the “liberal Christian", because he illustrates the idea well. (Before continuing, I must point out that I have no interest in taking a pro or con side on Christianity here as my goal is to defend the Western values that make freedom of belief and Christianity possible. I wish to argue in a way to appeal to both atheists and fundamentalist Christians and I don't want even to offend the few actual Christians who label themselves "liberal"). The most minimal definition of Christian that can be taken seriously is a Christian holds that Christianity is the truth and the best belief system. A "liberal Christian" avoids such a claim, because a "Liberal Christian" believes that you can't hold any religion better than any other religion or belief system. I have searched the Bible extensively for the quote where Jesus suggests that it doesn't matter what believe and have someway failed to find it.

To be a Christian, a Christian should be willing to say that Christianity is a force for good, and that it is possible for a non-Christian religion—which is, by definition, a false religion--to be a force for evil. "Liberal Christians" explicitly deny that an religion or belief system can be force for evil. (Of course, there is a slight contradiction in “liberal Christian” beliefs as Nazism in Germany and Republicanism in America are recognized as evil, but the "liberal Christian" seeks to avoid thinking and so such contradictions are inevitable.) Now, I am not saying that a Christian is required to hold that all other religions and non-religious beliefs systems to be evil. Most Christians do hold some other religions and non-religious belief systems are almost as excellent as Christianity. Christians are on the whole a tolerant people. (I know many Christians who think of themselves as fundamentalist believe everyone not saved is going to hell, but they are probably a minority among even fundamentalists.) On the other hand, “Liberal Christians” aren't so much tolerant as thoughtless. They deliberately misinterpret, “Judge not, that ye be not judged” into the greatest commandment that no one is allowed an opinion beyond the opinion that Republicans are evil. Because Liberal Christianity is an anti-intellectual view, it forbids us from talking about how to best improve the world or what threats we face, beyond a few environmental ones which they admittedly address more honestly than the right. I attribute their ability to deal more honestly with environmental threats to the large number of College professors who are both "liberals" and deeply knowable about science. (The world is a complex place and it is hard to completely demonize any group.)

Of course, there are also "liberal Buddhists", "liberal Muslims", "liberal Hindus", "liberal atheists", and so forth. Where all the forms of “liberalism” go wrong is their frivolousness towards leads them to ignore that ideas have consequences and some beliefs have evil consequences. For instance, Marxism, the champion evil belief system of the twentieth century, had many evil consequences and none good that I am aware of, though “liberals” overlook Marxism's evil because of some insane notion of power in relationships that is irrelevant to the current conversation. As I previously alluded to, “liberals” are willing to admit that Nazism in Germany and Republicanism Party in America are evil, but those are exception sfrom minds that don't care about contradiction. We should also defer to some other occasion discussion of the ridiculousness of the “liberals” considering the Republican Party to be one of the two avatars of evil in the twentieth century. The problem we face in the twenty-first century is that one major religion is pervasively evil and it could damage the human spirit for centuries in ways that Marxism didn't even come close.

The major religion I hold to be that evil is Islam. I will provide reasons.